Minimising Stress on Moving Day

Moving house is often considered one of the most stressful life events, but it doesn’t have to be that way. With the right planning and organisation, you can turn what is typically a chaotic experience into a smooth and manageable one. Whether you’re relocating to a new city or just down the road, preparing in advance is the key to minimising stress.

Here are some practical tips to help you stay calm and in control on your moving day.

Book Early

One of the first things you should do when planning a move is to organise your transportation. Don’t leave booking a moving van or arranging a friend’s trailer to the last minute. The earlier you can confirm these details, the more options you’ll have, which could also save you money. Similarly, make sure you have enough boxes well in advance. You can either order them online at places like The Moving Box Company or ask around for spare boxes from friends or local businesses. It’s better to have too many than too few, as running out of boxes on moving day adds unnecessary pressure.

Organise the Essentials

Losing important documents like passports, birth certificates, or contracts can be a nightmare, so file these items together in a safe place. It’s also helpful to pack any small screws, wires, or random parts you come across during the packing process into one dedicated box. These items may not seem essential now, but they could prove critical when it comes time to reassemble your furniture. Moving is also the perfect opportunity to declutter. Sort through your belongings and get rid of anything you no longer use—this can make unpacking quicker and give your new home a fresh start.

Preparing for Setting Up Your Home

One of the most common frustrations when unpacking is not knowing where all your electronic cables go. To avoid this, take a few photos of your entertainment system setup before dismantling it. This way, when it’s time to reconnect everything in your new home, you’ll know exactly what to do. Make sure you clearly label each moving box with the room it’s meant for. This will save a lot of time when it comes to unpacking and will ensure the right items end up in the right spaces from the start.

Set Up Your Utilities Before Moving Day

There’s nothing worse than moving into a new home only to find that the electricity or internet isn’t working. To avoid this frustration, make sure your utilities are set up before you move in. Contact your providers early and schedule connections so that everything is up and running when you arrive. This way, you’ll be able to settle in comfortably without worrying about basic necessities like heating, lighting, or internet access.

Plan for Pets

If you have pets, it’s important to consider their needs on moving day. The noise and commotion can be unsettling for animals, so set up a quiet, familiar space for them to retreat to, away from the chaos. Alternatively, you might want to arrange for someone to look after them for the day. This can help reduce their stress and make the move more manageable for you.

At OBrien Real Estate, we’re here to make your move easier. We can connect you with trusted removalists and assist in organising utility connections before you settle in. Our team is committed to ensuring a smooth transition so you can focus on enjoying your new home while we help handle the details. With OBrien, it’s personal. Contact your local agent today to find out more